We are the River City Ringers

River City Ringers of Omaha are a dedicated group of performance ringers who provide cultural enrichment by ringing music through year-round concert schedules. For 35 years this advanced community handbell choir has been performing a wide range of sacred, secular and original handbell music through concerts and educational programs. We offer unique and challenging opportunities for handbell ringers in Omaha and the surrounding metro area while fostering fun and fellowship. The choir cooperates with the national community and professional handbell ensemble movement in raising the awareness and standards of English handbell ringing locally, regionally and nationally.

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Our Christmas Performances

Celebrating 35 Years of Handbell Performance

Go to our YouTube channel to see our performances. Subscribe to be notified when our next concert is posted online


River City Ringers is seeking talented, dedicated, motivated musicians that want to embark on an incredible musical journey culminating in several local concerts. Click the Audition link to schedule an audition.

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