
Who We Are
River City Ringers of Omaha are a dedicated group of ringers who provide cultural enrichment by ringing music. The group provides a focused opportunity to present a wide range of sacred, secular and original handbell music through concerts and educational programs. The choir cooperates with the national community and professional handbell ensemble movement in raising the awareness and standards of English handbell ringing locally, regionally and nationally. They also assist in developing diverse ringing opportunities for those who ring handbells in the Omaha Metro area and foster fun and fellowship.
The choir musicians have been involved in the art of handbell ringing for many years. We are a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to fostering public interest in the art of handbell ringing. The choirs ring with a five octave set of Schulmerich Handbells from a grant by the Paul and Oscar Giger Foundation in memory of Ruth Musil Giger. They also ring with a five octave set of Malmark Choir Chimes purchased in part with grants from the Fremont Community Foundation and the Lester A. Walker Foundation. In addition, the choirs have a five octave set of Malmark Bells provided by the generous donation of John and Mary Wilson and an anonymous donor.
Since 1988, the choir has rung for various events in the Omaha Metropolitan area. Past performances include concerts at the Holland Performing Arts Center, Durham Western Heritage Museum, Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha Royals, several Habitat for Humanity benefit concerts, the Performing Arts Council of Florence and the Assistance League of Omaha, many private Christmas parties, including Lockheed Martin and Brieley. The choir has also rung at several weddings and holiday events and offer seasonal and spring concerts throughout the year. Our musical selections include: classical or contemporary, serious or zany, formal or casual, and sacred or secular.
River City Ringers of Omaha are dedicated to: Promoting the art of handbell ringing through artistic performance; Serving the community through varied educational endeavors; Fostering public interest in handbell ringing; and Performing concerts at local and national venues.
Support Us
Donations are used to help The River City Ringers meet its operational goals and programmatic mission. We purchase new music, replace worn equipment, and maintain our instruments on an annual basis. One way to support us through online donations. Visit our Support Us page for more information